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Tracey Lynn Livermore Pornstar Biography

Brandi Love is an industry veteran. With over 70 titles to her name, the Raleigh, North Carolina native is the supreme personification of the MILF on film: thick, homely yet insatiable and a lot of class mixed with just a touch of crass. While she has no qualms with playing the bored housewife in her scenes, in the real world she is quite the entrepreneur. Your girl serves as CFO and co owns many adult entertainment production houses as well as a non profit called Parents in Adult, which offers counseling and other resources to workers in the porn industry who have children. Additionally, she is an advocate of polygamy and polyamory, herself having been in a successful open marriage for well over a decade. She actively promotes alternative relationships over monogamy and so called traditional marriage, as debated in an infamous appearance on The Tyra Banks Show back in 2006. A charismatic and engaging public speaker, Brandi regularly gives lectures, dropping in to talk to undergrad students about human sexuality and adult lifestyle alternatives, like swinging. As if her academic pedigree weren apos;t enough, she apos;s also a published author, having releasing a book titled Getting Wild Sex from Your Conservative Woman in 2008. Let Brandi Love give you some brains by watching her milk her men right here on PornPornPorn. Caucasian,Hairy Outie
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